The NASA DEVELOP National Program fosters an interdisciplinary research environment where applied science research projects are conducted under the guidance of NASA and partner science advisors. DEVELOP is unique in that young professionals lead research projects that focus on utilizing NASA Earth observations to address community concerns and public policy issues. With the competitive nature and growing societal role of science and technology in today’s global workplace, DEVELOP is fostering an adept corps of tomorrow’s scientists and leaders.
DEVELOP bridges the gap between NASA Earth Science and society, building capacity in both participants and partner organizations to better prepare them to handle the challenges that face our society and future generations.
International candidates who are registered at a US university can apply foe selected positions. See for more information.
A list of research areas can be found here, and include Agriculture, Climate, Disasters, Ecological Forecasting, Energy, Health and Air Quality, Oceans, Water Resources, and Weather.
See requirements here.
Applied Physics
Computer Science
Earth Sciences
Ecology and Evolution
Environmental Studies
Marine Biology
Plant Sciences
Additional Details
Location: Multiple NASA sites
Program Time Period: Summer, Spring Quarter, Fall Quarter
Compensation: Stipend
Application Deadline: Contact the program for more information.