The Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD)

IMSD provides participating students with the opportunity to receive an in-depth experience in the academic and experimental aspects of biological research.  The program consists of a laboratory-training program during the summer and laboratory research projects during the academic year. Graduates of the program have been able to enroll in a wide variety of graduate programs, internships, and professional schools.  The program includes funding for travel to conferences and to graduate schools, program support for graduate school applications, and study groups and tutoring services for upper division STEM coursework.

The program is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Biochemistry an Molecular Biology
Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Ecology and Evolution
Electrical Engineering
Human Biology
Marine Biology
Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Plant Sciences

Yulianna Ortega

Melissa Jurica

Location: On-campus
Program Time Period: Academic Year, Summer, All Year, Winter Quarter, Spring Quarter, Fall Quarter, Renewable, 2 year
Compensation: Paid, Stipend [An hourly-based salary with a maximum of $3000 for the summer and $400/month during the school year. Funding is also provided for research supplies and travel to conferences and graduate schools.]
Application Deadline: Contact the program for more information.

Last modified: Sep 26, 2024